There are no black people and there are no white people, there are just dark brown and light brown human beings !!


Hello dear readers and fellow truth seekers,

I would just like to point out a simple fact to you guys.

There are no black people in this world and there are no white people on this planet.  This is a manufactured contrast and opposite, which doesnt exist at all. 

Even the darkest African people are at best dark brown and not black. 
Their hair might be black, but their skin isnt.

And even the palest so called white people are not white, but have a light brown skin colour with a touch of reddish. These are all the differences there are.

We are all a shade of brown and nothing else. We are all one family or one species called homo sapiens.

 So please stop calling dark skinned people Blacks or black people and start calling them Dark Browns instead, because it is far more accurate.

And please stop calling light skinned people Whites or white people and start calling them Light Browns instead, because it is much closer to the truth as well.

    Dont create artificial differences, contrasts and opposites just by words and please dont use language in a manipulative, divisive and polarising way.

Thanks for that and all the best.

Carsten Schulz,

    political philosopher, investigativ journalist, truth researcher 
and conspiracy discloser.

            And light to medium brown with a touch of reddish:

0049 176 434 72044

And by the way Angela Merkel is living in Berlin exactly opposite the throne of satan !!

      And for urgently needed support and donations:

Carsten H Schulz
Halifax UK
IBAN:   GB49HLFX11041501336306
BIC:      HLFXGB21M04


                Carsten Schulz

Deutsche Bank AG

DE17 2507  0024  0049  0904  00


           Thank you very much !!.........


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